Welcome to dayii

Empowering Scottish Black Youth for Future Careers

DaYii is a groundbreaking initiative in partnership with BBC, aimed at increasing equity and access to education and employment opportunities for Scottish Ethnic Minority Youth. We recognise the challenges faced by young people from migratory and low socioeconomic backgrounds, as well as those from black, Asian, and minority ethnic (BAME) communities. DaYii is designed to bridge the gap by providing internship opportunities, skill development, and mentorship to empower these talented individuals to thrive in the digital and data-driven future workforce.

About us

The purpose of DaYii is to empower Scottish Black youth aged 14-22 with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to succeed in the future of work. We believe that every young person deserves an equal chance to explore their passions, make informed career choices, and gain valuable work experience. By leveraging the power of technology and fostering strong partnerships, we are committed to breaking down barriers and creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

What DaYii Offers

Bootcamp and Skill Development

The  bootcamp program equips participants with essential employability skills,  workplace etiquette, time management, communication skills, problem-solving, and teamwork. 

Community Engagement

DaYii actively engages with parents and the black minority community to foster collaboration, understanding, and support.  A strong community plays a vital role in nurturing the aspirations.


Through our extensive network of partner organizations, we provide internship opportunities in various digital and data career paths. These hands-on experiences allow  to gain valuable insights, develop industry-specific skills.

Join The DaYii Movement

Are you a Scottish Black youth looking to explore exciting career opportunities in the digital and data-driven world? Or perhaps you're a parent or guardian seeking guidance and support for your child's future? DaYii welcomes you to join our movement for change.

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Have questions or want to learn more about DaYii? We’re here to help. Reach out to our dedicated team for any inquiries or collaboration opportunities